Larry Cash - Merritt Podley,
What can be said, but thank you both.
Alice Krueper was a "Wonder".
Photo scanned from the PCTA Communicator.
If anybody has a better picture, please allow us to use it.
Alice always had a smile for friends,
or whenever she was talking about the PCT.
Picture of Alice Krueper supplied by Brick Robbins.
Mike Anderson, thanks for all the help.
Brick Robbins, a new friend of mine,
but an old friend of the PCT.
Bob Ballou, Alan Young,(both of the P.C.T.A.) and Cam Lockwood (
Thank you gentlemen for all your help and support.
A casual snap shot at the June 7, 1997,
The top row are the people responsible for geting and keeping the
The bottom row are the children of Warren and Mary Rogers
Candice Ivers, Paul Rogers and Donald Rogers.
A casual snap shot at the June 7, 1997,
Donald Lee Rogers, for those of you who wondered.
A casual snap shot at the June 7, 1997,
If you would like to be known as a "Friends and Family of the
PCT" member,
and have a picture you would like posted here, let us know and get us
the picture.
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